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Curated Cut Flower Gardens!
  • Spring planted cut flower gardens, round THREE! These flats will be available for pick up in late May!


    Each garden will be 32+ healthy plants ready to take off in your gardens. These are all cut and come again varieties that all do well in our area, and the more you cut them they more they bloom! We will be sending growing information home with each flat and will be available for questions throughout the season as well.


    Varieties included but not limited too: Zinnia: peachy queen lime, queen lime with blush, queen lime red, Oklahoma pink, salmon, ivory, zinderalla peach, benaries giant salmon rose, marigold white swan, cosmos: cupcake blush, afternoon white, double click bicolor violet, strawflower silver rose, statice rose shades, gomphrena raspberry cream, yarrow, nicotiana bronze queen, ageratum, scabiosa merlot red, Celosia pink flamingo, Sunday pink, sylphid, celway white, basil ammarotta, cinnamon, lemon basil.


    *Subject to change based on crop success and availability!*


    These flats will all be the same varieties we grow here on the farm. Specialty varieties that you can't find in the big box stores. The cut flowers gardens will be a mix of focal flowers, accent flowers, foliage, and interesting bits that will add whimsy to your arrangements you can cut RIGHT from your own garden! 

    Curated Cut Flower Gardens!

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