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U-Pick Daffodil Experience

Come anytime Saturday or Sunday from 8am-1pm! Kids are welcome but as a reminder this is a working farm, so please supervise them!


- the experience will be $45 dollars for approx 30 stems. If you bring a pint mason jar (the smaller ones) it's about what will fit in there so feel free to stuff it until its full without the need for counting! Or pick about 30 and head to the farm stand on your way out to wrap and bag your stems. 


- you want to pick the stems that are just opening or in the "goose-neck stage" (see photo above) for the best vase-life. I will have a video tutorial in my stories tomorrow on social media for those who want a visual reference. 


- daffodils are best pulled, instead of cut, so no need for snips. Just follow the stem down to the ground and pull straight up on the stem until it releases or snaps. The daffodil sap from the stems can be irritating to those with sensitive skin. I have never had an issue, but if you want to be extra cautious, you can wear gloves. Hand washing after handling should suffice though!


- Our daffodil field is on a slope, so please wear appropriate shoes. It is also adjacent to our peony field, so please stay to the RIGHT of the flagging tape as to not injure any of the precious peonies emerging!


-our free range chickens and goats, horses, and giant Apollo puppy will also be present for treats and snuggles just down from the field if you care to visit with them.

U-Pick Daffodil Experience

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